15 Tips for a Safe Holiday Road Trip

by Nov 27, 2019Auto Accident, Car Accidents, Safety Tips

15 Tips for a Safe Holiday Road Trip

by Nov 27, 2019Auto Accident, Car Accidents, Safety Tips

15 Tips for a Safe Holiday Road Trip
15 Tips for a Safe Holiday Road Trip

The holidays are almost here, and that means it’s time to start planning your road trip to visit friends and family. To ensure that you have a safe holiday road trip, consider following the tips listed below.

1. Save your regular vehicle from wear and tear by renting

Cars can be expensive, and many people try to save some money by holding onto their current vehicle for as long as possible. However, if you have an older vehicle, then you might want to reconsider taking it out on a road trip this holiday season. The chances of it breaking down or needing costly repairs increase the more you use it.

Instead, you should consider renting a car for your trip. Not only will you get something reliable, but you’ll also be able to upgrade in size and get in-car entertainment. This is a great way to keep everyone excited and entertained as you drive to your destination.

2. Map your route and share it with loved ones

Before heading down the road, make sure you determine your route and share it with your family and either a neighbor or good friend. It’s also a good idea to let these people know what time you are leaving. That way, if you don’t show up when you are supposed to, they know where to send someone to look for you.

3. Have an alternate route in case of hazards

Not only should you have the main route planned out, but you should also have an alternative route in case of construction or other hazards. Make sure to share this plan with family and friends as well.

4. Check the weather

The weather this time of year can be unpredictable and hazardous. To reduce the chances of getting stranded on the side of the road, check the weather and driving conditions. Your family’s safety should be your top priority, and driving when the weather is favorable keeps everyone safe.

5. Make overnight reservations ahead of time

There are a lot of people on the road this time of year, which means that hotels will fill up fast. To ensure that you have a room for you and your family, make reservations ahead of time. If you don’t, you may find yourself driving for longer than you anticipated to find a place to sleep. The more tired you get, the more treacherous driving becomes.

6. Don’t forget your EZ-Pass or SunPass

A great way to get around holiday traffic is to take toll roads. Make sure you have your EZ-Pass or SunPass handy so that you can quickly and easily take care of the payment when you return from your trip.

7. Charge your phone and keep a portable charger handy

You never know when you might need your phone to make an emergency phone call, so make sure that it is fully charged before you leave for your road trip. Having a portable charger is another way to ensure that your phone is charged and ready to use should you need it.

8. Have a food plan

While eating on the road can be a great way to sample some new flavors and try out new restaurants, it can also get incredibly expensive. It also adds time to your trip to stop and eat. Plus, if you’re traveling with kids, then you know it’s hard to keep them full for the entire trip.

It’s always a good idea to have a food plan before heading onto the road. Decide where you are going to stop and if you are going to eat at a restaurant or bring sandwiches with you. You’ll also want to have some extra snacks handy for when the kids get hungry or the driver needs some energy so that they can stay awake.

9. Prepare an emergency road kit

It’s impossible to predict when an accident will occur, which is why it’s helpful to have an emergency road kit in the car. Having items such as a first aid kit, road flares, warm clothes or a blanket, a flashlight and some basic tools may be all you need to ensure you are prepared should an emergency arise.

10. Get plenty of rest

Tired drivers cause a lot of accidents on the road. Their reaction times are slower, and they aren’t focused on what is going on around them. To ensure that you and your family are safe while driving to your destination, make sure to get plenty of rest before getting behind the wheel. If you find that you are getting tired, pull over to take a break and stretch or let someone else drive for a while.

11. Make sure all occupants are buckled safely

Safety belts save lives. There’s no debate about that. Therefore, for a safe holiday road trip, when your family climbs into the car, make sure everyone is wearing their seatbelt before you head down the road.

12. Hydrate yourself

Staying hydrated is a good way to stay focused and alert. If you allow your body to get dehydrated, this could lead to headaches and blurred vision, which could make driving dangerous.

13. Have activities for kids

If you’ve traveled with kids in the past, you know that it doesn’t take long for them to get bored. When that happens, they will look for ways to entertain themselves—and what they pick may be distracting and loud.

To keep everyone safe, have activities for the kids. This could include having them watch movies, play games on mobile devices, play games with other family members, color or listen to music. Make sure to pick activities that are appropriate for their age.

14. Take breaks often

For a safe holiday road trip, you need to stay awake and alert while on the road. It’s recommended that you get out and stretch every 2 hours or 100 miles to be safe.

15. Secure your valuables

To reduce the chances of losing your expensive jewelry or becoming the target of theft, make sure to secure your valuables. This means keeping purses and wallets on you at all times and locking your jewelry in your suitcase or the glove compartment.

Spending time with family and friends during the holidays makes this time special. If you find that an injury occurs while on the road, contact The Bodden & Bennett Law Group.

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