Happy 244th Birthday America! Here Are 5 Personal Injury Safety Tips To Help You Stay Safe This 4th of July

by Jul 2, 2020Personal Injury, Safety Tips

Happy 244th Birthday America! Here Are 5 Personal Injury Safety Tips To Help You Stay Safe This 4th of July

by Jul 2, 2020Personal Injury, Safety Tips

Persoanl Injury Safety Tips for 4th of July
Persoanl Injury Safety Tips for 4th of July

Happy 244th Birthday America! Independence Day is one of our favorite holidays, below, we have listed 5 Personal Injury Safety Tips To Help You Stay Safe This 4th of July.

Happy 244th Birthday, America! It’s time to celebrate America’s Independence. Safety is extremely important on the 4th of July as you and your family enjoy a relaxing, fun day. We have five 4th of July safety tips that will help your weekend be safe and memorable.

Social Distancing and Wearing Masks

This year’s celebrations may look a lot different than those in the past due to the Coronavirus. It’s important to remember social distancing measures and to wear a mask for an overall safer 4th of July. Stay six feet away from others when watching fireworks, grilling out, or attending a neighborhood function. The pandemic is accelerating at a rapid speed, so it’s important to put these safety measures in place. Always wear a mask when you go into a public space. You could be helping the spread of the virus. You could even be carrying it without knowing, so the mask protects others from infection. Don’t attend big parties or events for the 4th of July. It’s tough to stay away from the big celebrations, but your health could be jeopardy if you play along with the crowds. This year it’s best to celebrate with close friends and family. Create your own fun with a cookout, watch the fireworks from home or just relax in your backyard. Stay healthy this Independence Day with your mask in hand and putting social distance measures into practice.

Bar-B-Que Safety Tips

Independence Day doesn’t seem the same without some yummy food cooked on the grill. We have to include grilling safety on our personal injury safety tips because every year over 16,000 patients go to the emergency room due to burns from grilling. If you’re grilling with gas, always check the gas cylinder holes for any leaks by applying soap and water to the hose. Look for any bubbles. If the lid is closed, don’t turn on the gas. If you go for charcoal grilling this year, it’s important to not add any lighter fluid to coals that are already burning. Coals are hot, so never touch them. They’ll still be hot hours after cooking. Always watch for cross-contamination of your meat. Remember to never grill indoors. Even if it’s raining on the day of celebration, keep the grill outside away from the deck or siding.

Fireworks Safety Tips

Fireworks are a lot of fun when you set them off yourself, but they should be used with extreme caution. The number one thing to remember is to never use illegal fireworks. Check with your county to see if it is even legal to shoot fireworks in your area. Then look for an area clear of debris. There should be no one around you when you light a firework. They look innocent but can be deadly. Sometimes fireworks have a mind of their own. Pets and/or children may become started when a firework goes off, so it is best to keep them away when lighting any. Remember to always light one firework at a time. There may be a firework that seems dead, but still has some power left in it. Leave it sitting alone for 20 minutes before placing it in a bucket of water.

Travel Safety Tips

It’s a time of celebration, but the Fourth of July weekend can also be a time when drunk drivers hit the road. Never drink and drive. If you’re serving alcohol at a celebration, make sure no one leaves intoxicated. Ask guests to have a designated driver. Never get behind the wheel after drinking. You can assign your own designated driver or call a ride share service. You can even ask to spend the night with friends. Be cautious that police will ramp up their presence on the 4th of July weekend, so you risk getting a DWI or DUI as well. Save your life as well as others on the road by watching how much you drink.

Swimming Pool Safety Tips

The Fourth of July is the perfect time for a dip in the pool with friends or a beach celebration. It’s important to stay safe around the water. If people are drinking alcohol, keep a close watch on children that could wander out of the sight of those watching them. Use the buddy system, even with adult swimmers. This means everyone has a buddy so there is no one left alone swimming. Children should be the primary focus around water as well. Never get distracted and lose sight of them. It’s also important never to dive in water less than 10 feet deep. Those that cannot swim should be wearing a life vest. These personal injury safety tips for the water can be easily overlooked when everyone is having fun and many people are drinking. Make sure you keep a close watch on anyone near a body of water. Drowning happens within seconds. Take a few seconds to put these safety measures into place near water, and you’ll save lives.

As your South Florida injury attorney, we wish you a happy and safe Fourth of July. If you’re injured in an accident this celebratory weekend and need help understanding your rights, please call on an experienced South Florida injury attorney to help you. Follow these 4th of July safety tips to ensure your time of celebrating America is the best party of the year.

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