How Can a Boynton Beach Accident Lawyer Help?

by Jun 26, 2019Auto Accident

How Can a Boynton Beach Accident Lawyer Help?

by Jun 26, 2019Auto Accident

boynton beach car accident lawyer
boynton beach car accident lawyer

Personal injuries happen every day. Car accidents, slip and fall accidents, nursing home abuse, or traumatic brain injuries caused by accidents are common. What most people who are involved in these accidents don’t do is get the assistance they require, to ensure their rights are preserved, and to guarantee they receive just compensation. If you’re looking for a Boynton Beach accident lawyer to work with you on these or other personal injury claims, you’ve come to the right place.

Why do I Need a Lawyer?

Most people who are injured often don’t think they have a claim against the liable party. Even if the injuries are minor, if you’re paying for medical bills, doctor visits, or specialists to treat you, then you might have a viable claim against the person who injured you.

For most people who are involved in a personal injury claim, you might not be aware of the rights you have. A Boynton Beach accident lawyer not only understands your rights, but also the legal obligations of the party who injured you to compensate you, in order to “make you whole” again.

A personal injury lawyer will work to ensure you are properly compensated for all the bills and expenses you incur which are associated with the accident which led to your injuries in any way.

Additionally, a lawyer can help you receive compensation for time off work, loss of consortium, inability to do things you previously did before your accident, and any other financial damages which might compensate you for physical or emotional losses due to your injuries.

Lawyers will fight to ensure you are compensated appropriately. The best attorneys will work to ensure you don’t settle for less than your claim is worth, and will make sure that you receive past, present, and future damages associated with the injuries you sustained, caused by the negligence of another party.

What Constitutes a Personal Injury or Accident Claim?

Accident or personal injury claims come in many shapes and sizes. Some of the common categories include:

  • Auto accident claims
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Malpractice or nursing home abuse
  • Premises liability (if you are hurt because something in a home/business isn’t properly kept)
  • Negligent security claims
  • Insurance claims

Furthermore, if you are a burn victim, if you’re permanently injured following a medical procedure, or if you are hurt due to the negligence of another party, you might have a viable personal injury or accident claim that you can file.

And, what most people who are hurt in these accidents don’t know, is that they often have the right to sue more than one person for those injuries. In turn, they can receive greater compensation for the injuries they’ve sustained than they initially believed.

The top Boynton Beach accident lawyer will not only work to ensure all parties who are liable are compensating you for the injuries you have suffered, but will also work to ensure you file all appropriate claims against the parties who have caused the injuries that you sustained.

How Long do I Have to File my Accident Claim Against the Liable Party?

For a majority of personal injury or accident claims, you have up to four years to file (statute of limitations) after the accident occurs. However, the sooner you file your accident claim, the easier it is going to be to achieve the desired result.

This result is not only a victory but also a guarantee that you will receive the greatest compensation possible, from as many parties who are liable for the injuries that you have sustained when filing a personal injury claim.

By waiting to file a claim you run the risk of losing information or other mitigating factors which can lead to a lower damage or settlement offer. For example, the opposing party might claim that injuries you claim two years down the road are caused by other factors, not the accident. If, however, you file a claim immediately after an accident, and have the appropriate documentation, they can’t make such claims.

So, for your case, and to ensure you receive the compensation that is owed to you after your accident, it is in your best interest to hire a Boynton Beach accident lawyer as soon as possible, to help gather evidence, and to file the accident claim against the parties who are liable for those injuries you have sustained.

The team at Bodden & Bennett is here to help. If you’ve been hurt, aren’t sure what your rights are, or just want to find out if you have a viable personal injury claim worth filing, we’re the premier Boynton Beach accident lawyers to contact. Give us a call and allow us to work with you in receiving the compensation that is owed to you when you’ve been hurt.

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