5 Commonly Asked Questions For Personal Injury Attorneys

by Oct 28, 2021Auto Accident, Car Accidents, Insurance Policy, Personal Injury

5 Commonly Asked Questions For Personal Injury Attorneys

by Oct 28, 2021Auto Accident, Car Accidents, Insurance Policy, Personal Injury

consultation with personal injury attorney
consultation with personal injury attorney

Common Questions For Personal Injury Attorneys

A personal injury lawyer can save you a lot of pain, hassle, and confusion if you are injured due to the negligence of another. A reputable lawyer has the qualifications and experience to help you get the best court case outcomes. However, there is more to getting quality representation services than the average person expects. You have to ask and answer a few critical questions to ensure your representation process goes smoothly.

Fortunately, this article looks at some of these questions and their answers:

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Florida?

The length of time you have to file a personal injury lawsuit in Florida would be four years. If you plan on filing for a personal injury claim in the city, ensure you know the state laws around the topic. Some other factors to consider when speaking to your personal injury attorney include:

1) The State’s Deadline Regulation

While the deadline regulation applies to most forms of injuries, when you have a claim against a government agency, there is a three-year deadline to notify the government of your claim.

2) Comparative Negligence Rule

During court proceedings, the defendant is likely to argue a comparative negligence claim. If the defendant is able to prove this theory, then he/she will be able to question the cause of the accident. The defendant can use this theory to reduce the amount of compensation for the injury.

What Is the First Thing I Should Do if I Slip and Fall at a Business?

You have to document any relevant evidence when you experience any form of injury. The reason is that the documentation will help improve the strength of your case. Below are some tips of some things you should do if you slip and fall at a business:

  • Take photos or videos of the environment and ensure it outlines the specific cause of your accident. Doing this will help ensure you can capture valuable evidence which you can use to back your claim in court. Find someone to help you do this if your injury is unbearable.
  • Look for CCTV cameras and take note of their positioning and whether they are currently functional. CCTV cameras can also be a valuable source of evidence of the leading cause of your fall. The fall may be due to a slippery floor area, where other people have fallen in the past.
  • Get in touch with your lawyer. Ensure you brief them of the nature of your fall and the details of your location. Your lawyer will help you document the evidence and strengthen your argument for compensation.

Can I Sue if I Am Injured During a Crime at a Business?

Yes, you can use it if you get an injury due to crime at a business. It’s one of the common questions for personal injury attorneys today. However, you will need to provide evidence that the landlord was aware of the occurrence of prior similar crimes. Details you can use to prove your argument can include recorded phone calls or even text messages.

The criminals will likely not be liable to compensate you as they are not the parties responsible for the building’s operations. The landlord is the one who has the mandate to safeguard the welfare of their tenants, and this includes business staff members.

Any content you share as evidence of your landlord’s awareness of the crimes will also have to be time relevant. That is because it might be a recurring issue that occurs without the landlord’s knowledge.

However, the case will likely fail if you don’t have sufficient information indicating the landlord’s insight. Remember to be careful with the people you speak with during such times, and it’s only best to consult with a lawyer.

Can I Sue if Someone Crashed Into My Car and Caused Injuries, but They Had No Insurance?

While you can sue when someone crashes into your car, which causes injuries, if they do not have any or enough liability insurance, then you will need to file a claim through your uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage providing that you have that coverage. While car insurance is imperative for any vehicle, you are still likely to experience uninsured drivers.

The best solution for staying safe from such people is to ensure you invest in the right Uninsured Coverage. However, it’s good to realize that it’s only applicable for car accident injuries. You might need collision insurance coverage for when you get into an accident with an uninsured driver. The insurance will provide cover for vehicle replacement and repair applications.

The Underinsured motorist coverage offers compensation when the other driver has no or minimal liability insurance coverage. However, the limit is that it may not cover the injuries that occurred due to the accident.

What Is the Most Important Car Insurance Coverage I Should Have?

The best car insurance coverage for you would be uninsured insurance coverage. The insurance also goes by the name Uninsured Motorist (UIM) Bodily Injury Insurance. The UIM’s goal is to pay for the medical costs due to an accident with an uninsured driver.

The insurance also offers insurance coverage for drivers or passengers who suffer from car accident injuries due to a hit and run.
The traditional expenses that UM covers include the following:

  • Medical health bills such as for emergency procedures, surgery, prosthetics, and various other similar resources.
  • Lost wages that can occur when the individual can no longer report to work due to a car accident injury.
  • The type of suffering from the accident which can include physical, mental, and social pressure.

Recent reports have shown that most drivers today don’t have the correct liability insurance coverage. In fact, 1 in 5 Florida motorists is driving without liability insurance. This means that when you encounter such drivers, there is a likelihood you won’t receive compensation.

However, this is where Uninsured Motorist Insurance coverage can be helpful. Remember that most drivers likely have limitations in their liability coverages. It means that their insurance coverage might not cater to all the damages you experience due to car accident injuries.

If the negligent driver can’t compensate you using their finances, you will likely have the burden of addressing your injuries on your own. Uninsured Motorist Coverage will save you several car accident-related challenges.

You also have to consider various limitations in using this type of insurance. Usually, insurance services require that applicants set specific limits, which allows the service to come up with suitable price quotations.

A personal injury that occurs due to a car accident is an unpredictable experience, and you never know when it might affect your life quality. Instead of experimenting, be a responsible driver by getting the right insurance cover and enlisting the help of a good lawyer. Both of these resources are crucial because road accidents can occur at any time, and it’s good for you to be ready for such moments.

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